Types Of Rooms In A House
Types Of Rooms In A House: There are standard rooms which feature in most Kenyan residences. We have summarized some of them in this post in the way of a name, use, and recommended location. The definitions here are based on the Kenyan context.
1. Essential Spaces
These are those rooms that house crucial functions and activities we consider necessary for any scale of residence.
In the Kenyan context, a porch is an open extension of the front of a house covering the main entrance. It is used to define the entry and in some large homes can be a sitting area complete with appropriate outdoor furniture.
A porch is used to define the main entrance and therefore is located at the front side of the house.
When it covers an entire facade, it is called a verandah.

Lounge/Living Room
A large room furnished with seats, coffee tables and other easy furniture. It’s usually the most public room in a residence.
The lounge is used for relaxation, socializing, entertaining guests and many other non-private activities.
It is located with easy access from an entry in mind. It’s usually the first space that is reached directly from the main entrance.

As the name implies, the is where meal are served and eaten.Â
A dining room is typically furnished with a dining table and dining seats.
It is usually located next to the kitchen for convinience and is mostly an open space.
This is a room or area in a residence where meals are prepared and cooked.
The most basic features in a kitchen is a sink, a cooker and some form of storage of food (shelves and/or fridge).
A kitchen functions best when it is easily accessible from the dining, lounge and a secondary exit/entry usually leading to the yard.
In a storeyed house, it is usually located on the ground floor.
A pantry is essentially a kitchen store. This is where dry food stuff is stored. It is sometimes also fitted with a freezer.
Owing to its function, a pantry has to be accessible from the kitchen. It rarely has any relationship with any other spaces in a residence. It functions well when it has a direct link to the secondary exit/entry from the kitchen.
This is a private room where a person/people sleep. While that is its principal function, bedrooms sometimes are used for many other functions e.g. study, lounge, dressing, e.t.c.
Owing to its being a private room, it is usually located in a manner that it is the last room you can get to from the entrance. On a storeyed house, bedrooms are normally located on the upper more private floors.
Common Bathroom
In a situation where the bedrooms are not all self-contained, a bathroom that can be used by muiltiple occupants with equal rights is provided. This is the common bathroom.
In smaller residences, it sometimes doubles up as the cloakroom.
This bathroom needs to be located within a few metres from the bedrooms whose occupants it is meant to serve.
This is a small public room fitted with at least a toilet, a sink and a mirror for use by anyone occupying the public areas (e.g. lounge and dining) in a residence.
It doubles up as the common bathroom in smaller residences.
This is normally located at a place that is easily accessible from the public rooms. It however need to offer a good level of privacy owing to its function.
In a storeyed house, its is usually located at the entrance level.
2. Extra Spaces
These are the rooms that make the living experience more comfortable.
Master Bedroom
This is a bedroom that is normally set aside for the head or master in a residence. It is usually larger and has more luxury features than the other bedrooms. The terms ‘master bedroom’ is abhorred in some parts of the world due to its origins during the days of slavery but is generally accepted in the Kenyan context.
The master bedroom needs the most privacy of all bedrooms but at the same time needs visual access to external areas that offer the best views.
Guest Bedroom
This one is also called a ‘spare room’. As the name implies, it’s used to accommodate temporary occupants in the residence.
This bedroom is ussually located away from the rest of the bedrooms. It functions well when near the main entrance of on any part of the lower floor of a storeyed house.
This serves to limit access to other private areas by the occupant.
Family Room
This is a semi-private room that has all the functions of the lounge but that offers a more cozy feel owing to it’s smaller size and informal nature. It is a bit more all-purpose than the lounge and undefined family activities (from watching TV to playing games) can take place.
Family room is usually located near the bedrooms and in a storeyed residence, it functions best on the first floor.
It functions best when it’s open and with an informal configuration.
This is an exterior space projecting from a room in a storeyed house usually enclosed by a half wall or a balustrade. It is usually furnished with simple weather-resistant patio furniture and can vary in size from a mall projection to a full-sized open room.
A balcony is only possible on the higher floors on a residence.
This is a small dedicated room designed specifically as storage for dirty and wet shoes and coats with the goal of keeping the rest of the house clean.
The mudroom is usually located after a secondary entrance into the house. It however can also be part of the main entry area in a situation where only one entrance is meant to be used.
It works well when located adjacent to or is part of the cloakroom.
A garage is essentially a space that houses motor vehicles. It can house either one car or two cars. These are called single and double garage respectively. A garage that is only covered but not enclosed is called a carport.
A garage is located such that it opens towards the driveway. For better security and convinience, a door connecting to the rest of the house is recommended.
Walk-in Closet
A walk-in closet is essentially a wardrobe into which a person can, as the name suggests, walk into. It is a small room with closets (inbuilt wardrobes) all around.
This room is usually part of the bedroom in larger more luxurious residences. Its best located between the main bed space and the bathroom since the normal flow of activity is such that one needs dressing after a bath or shower before proceeding into the rest of the room.
A study in a residence is a private room used as a reading space or for office work mainly by the head of the household.
it’s normally fitted with bookshelves and/or office accessories for one occupant.
The study is usually located in a private area of the house. In storeyed houses, it works best on the first floor or as part of the attic.
3. Luxury Rooms
As the name suggests, these rooms are just meant to offer more luxury. This list is not and cannot be exhaustive.
Home Office
A home office differs from a study in that it can serve as a formal place of business. As such, it can have a fully fledged office with several staff and a waiting area. There are no limits on the size of a home office and size is entirely dictated by the needs of the occupant.
Since it is meant to also host visitors that have no business with the rest of the residence, it functions best when located the ground level and with a separate access.
Breakfast Room
In large residences, an area of room is designated for light dining. This can range from a simple bar dining space to an elaborate larger room furnished as necessary. Either way, it serves as a secondary dining area for lighter meals.Â
This room/area is usually located near the kitchen. It sometimes is a simple extension of the kitchen or is within the kitchen.
Quiet Room/Prayer Room
This is a room that is designed to be serene room. it is used for prayer and/or meditation and is designed to offer the peace and quiet that those activities require. Simple furniture and sometimes a small book shelf can be added to complete the experience.
The most important consideration when deciding where to locate it is serenity. I can work well in the attic or the basement.
An attic is a usable space defined by the roof. It has no one strict use and thus can house a variety of functions e.g. bedroom, gym, quiet room, panic room, e.t.c.
It is located at the last level of a house and is usually below the roof in a pitched-roof house.
Butler's Pantry
A butler’s pantry is basically a larger pantry that carries some of the functions of a kitchen. Part of or all food preparation can be done here leaving the kitchen for other specialized functions. This is usually found in luxury residences
A butler’s pantry is located near the kitchen and has direct and uninterrupted access to the kitchen and the kitchen yard.
Panic Room
For high profile persons whose security is a concern, a fortified room is normally provided. This room is designed for extra security and is easily accessible from the bedrooms housing the persons of interest. It is equiped with high quality communication equipment that would be useful in a distress situation.
The panic room has to be easily accessible from at least the master bedroom. its location is entirely governed by that.
A conservatory is a essentially greenhouse in which plants are grown. These could be edible vegetables, some fruit types, flowers or medicinal plants. It has to be made of a translucent materials e.g. glass or polycarbonate.
It is sometimes used as a sunroom
It is usually located at the back or the side of the house with one side of it leaning against the house. It requires a specialist to be consulted on account of the many factors that can affect its success.
Games Room
A games room is a room dedicated to, as the name suggests, play and games. These could be video games, pool, darts, table tennis or any other indoor game whose installation maintenance is manageable within a residential setting.
Its also called a recreation room
This is a noisy room and therefore has to be located close to other noisy rooms such as the gym and away from quiet rooms like the bedrooms.
This is a large room found in luxury residences designed to host formal parties. This room usually features a performance stage, a high ceiling and has acoustically sound interior finishing.
The location of a ballroom depends on many factors due to its large size. These are best investigated during the design process.
Theatre/Cinema Room
This is a movie theatre set within the residence. It has all the features of a typical public theatre only differing in the scale.
The cinema room usually has a sloping floor making the basement an ideal level to set it in. This also helps with the acoustics since it does not normally require natural lighting.
In luxury residences, a baby is provide with a separate bedroom. This room would typically have a crib, changing area, baby clothes storage and is also fitted with baby monitoring equipment among other things.
The baby room is usually located in an area that provides silence but is easy to monitor and reach.
This is another room dedicated to the baby’s needs; this case, play. it is usually fitted with all age-appropriated toys where a baby can be left to serve its curiosity without restrictions.
There is no specific best location for this room but it would be logical to have it near adult supervision. Anywhere close to the public rooms e.g. loung or family room would be ideal.
Dressing Room
A dressing room is a space near to or within the walk-in closet fitted with mirrors ans provided with sufficient light for the sole purpose of dressing up.
It is normally set near the shower/bathroom and the walk-in closet. It works better when abundant natural light is provided.
Home Library
This is a larger version of a study. A home library would therefore house many more books on several shelves, have a fews desks to accommodate more reader and basically possess most of the features found in a public library.
As it the case with the study, silence and serenity is a requirement for the library. An attic or a basement or anywhere away from noise would be ideal.
Wine Room
This is a room for storing wine
The right ventilation and humidity is a major consideration in deciding where to locate a wine room. Sometimes, artificial ventilation is necessary.
A sunroom is a space design for sunbathing but covered to protect from the adverse effects of too much direct sunlight.
The best location is on the upper floors where sunlight shines all day long. From experience, a sunroon built on a roof deck serves its purpose well throughout the day.
Home Bar
This is a room or an area designated and designed to create the bar experience within the residence. The scale can range from a small single counter with stools to a fully fledged night club with all the audio visual effects.
This is basically just a gym; one that designed for fewer users seeking the convenience of a private work-out at home.
The only thing to consider about the location of the gym is the noise that it generates. This then means that it needs to be located away from spaces hat thrive in silence e.g. the study, the bedrooms e.t.c.
Sometimes there is need to detach it entirely from the main residence or have it in the basement.
Spa, Sauna & Steam Bath
This is an area offering health and beauty treatments in the same manner as a commercial establishment but in the privacy of a home and at a reduced scale.
It may include a hair salon and a barber.
This facility is best clumped together with the gym and the swimming pool.